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Vanitha Deshpande

Contribution of Youth Towards Fight Against the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit all of us in different parts of the world in the toughest ways possible. It has been such a difficult situation of distress, confusion, and restlessness for everybody. Even after this, the youth of all nations around the globe joined hands to fight this deadly virus. It is hence our honor to give tribute to all the young minds around the world on the occasion of “International Youth Day”. The young people never fail to surprise us with their contributions and innovations. The youth amidst suffering through health issues, employment insecurity, anxiety and so much more came out resilient and were kind enough to help, support, and provide to people all around the world. Here are just a few ways out of many by which young people contributed in our fight towards eliminating the COVID-19 virus-

  • Use of social media: Social media platforms were used by young people in the best way possible. They came up with apps, websites, bots and even used their social media accounts to provide medical assistance to the covid hit people. They verified the leads with patience and later amplified everything. This is the power of the young generation using social media.

  • Young people as front-line workers: It is because of the front-line workers that most of us are alive today. The front-line workers can include everyone ranging from medical staff to police officers. Even though it is not necessarily true that the only front-line workers are the young people but the youth still has contributed a lot. In fact, most of the volunteers at vaccination centers are young people stepping in times of need without thinking much about their safety.

  • Distribution of food and sanitation-related resources: Young citizens especially in developing countries took the responsibility of delivering food, medicines, necessary sanitary products, masks to the vulnerable sections of their communities. They were distributed to laborers, vendors, etc.

  • Innovation and developing technology: As they say, we should all believe in the power of scientific research, and hence a lot of youngsters have come up with researches on the virus and have also come up with various innovations. A lot of people for example have come up with new technologies for the early detection of the virus.

  • Creation of awareness towards the need for vaccination: Many young volunteers especially in India came together to create awareness about the need of getting vaccinated against the virus. The reluctance of getting vaccinated due to misconceptions about the vaccines has been eliminated to a greater extent in Indian villages.

  • Contribution towards Education: Education has been severely affected especially in the rural areas of countries due to the pandemic. Digital Divide can be seen more easily and prominently due to the lack of digital devices in vulnerable communities which has further led to education being suffered. A lot of youth volunteers, in this case, have been seen collaborating with organizations like UNICEF to ensure proper education in some way or the other.

Even though the young people themselves have suffered so much due to the pandemic but they still did not think twice before serving their societies in the best possible ways. This shows the spirit of youth and what young people can achieve if they come together!

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